WRESTLiNGHDD - The Biggest Wrestling Archive

EST. 1999


For over twenty years people from all over the world have contributed to WRESTLiNGHDD and its main cause:

Preserving Pro-Wrestling and MMA footage from being lost forever.

The archive wouldn't be what it is today if not for the countless people from all over the globe who were
or still are in contact with us to make the collection bigger and bigger. Various different locations,
languages and cultures have played a significant role in our project.
The multiculturalism is equivalent to the countless promotions in the archive.

With this persistent collective effort and the help of technologicial innovations like VHS, DVD, BluRay,
HDD, SSD, Downloads, Clouds, mp4/mkv/iso etc., streams and streaming, the phenomenon known as Tape Trading
has established WRESTLiNGHDD as the best source for Wrestling and MMA shows on the internet and also helped us
to work as efficiently as possible. What all started with sending VHS to other continents has become an
Internet based occupation thanks to the evolution of technology.

We also want to raise awareness that there is an archive out there which can feed all your wrestling needs
even if they are extraordinary. Besides that the enormous amount of footage shows us all that
there is wrestling for everyone apart from the big promotions.

If you need a show or can send us one please don't hesitate to contact us. We're really happy to hear from those
that can contribute to the collection in any way.

For The Archive. Forever.




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